Our Sunday worship is intended to glorify God, but also to be meaningful and enjoyable as well, hopefully meeting the needs of all, whether regular members or newcomers. They normally follow the pattern below. There is always a homily at the 8.00am service and a sermon at the main 10.30am service.
Service Rotas
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Holy Communion at All Saints Church, Walsoken.
On the night before Jesus died he shared a meal with his disciples. Bread and wine were part of the meal. Jesus took these familiar things and gave them a new meaning. He broke a loaf of bread and said, "This my body given for you. Do this in remembrance of me".
He then took a cup of wine and said, "This is my blood, shed for you and for many, for the forgiveness of sins".
Our service of Holy Communion is a time when we come together to remember that Christ died for us. We start by remembering the summary of the Ten Commandments which Jesus summarised in the following way:
The first commandment is this, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is the only Lord. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength". The second is this: "Love your neighbour as yourself". There is no other commandment greater than these".
We are then invited to draw near with faith to receive the body of our Lord Jesus Christ which he gave for us, and his blood which he shed for us, and feed on him in our hearts by faith, with thanksgiving.
Communion Equipment at All Saints Church, Walsoken.
One of the duties of the Churchwardens is to ensure that the Church has suitable vessels for the proper administration of Holy Communion. Here at Walsoken this is not an arduous task as we have an impressive collection of silverware.
Our Communion vessels comprise of a chalice to hold the wine and a paten for the wafers, together with flagons for storing the wine and water together with a wafer box. The flagons and wafer box are kept on the side table in the Sanctuary during the Communion Service and the chalice and paten are kept on the altar and covered by a burse and veil.
At our Family Communion Service we use a chalice and paten given by Mrs Mavis Russell, in memory of her mother Mrs Haigh, who was a member of the church for many years. At the 8 o’clock Communion Service we use a silver chalice given in memory of Mr Alfred George Gigney and a small paten dated 1918. The tray on the side table during Communion is inscribed “To memory of Constance Lillian Tawn 2nd February 1912 – 10th August 1977”. The wine flagon is inscribed “In memory of Mrs Minnie Williams 1901 – 1993” and the water jug is inscribed “In memory of Miss Lillian Warby 1923 – 1993”. The Communion Set is completed by the wafer box which is inscribed “In memory of Mrs Dorothy Oliver 1923 – 1993”.
At Christmas and Easter I always select for use a splendid large chalice and paten dating from 1897. These were given to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria. The chalice is 8 inches in height and has a cast stem and open work fretted foot.
Our oldest Plate is a tall chalice and paten dated 1720 and we also have a 2 handled chalice dated 1729 and given by Mr and Mrs Charles Phillips in 1956. Mr and Mrs Phillips were very generous benefactors and in the same year also presented to the church a 12 inch solid silver tray.
In addition to these valuable items we also have other Plate including a silver bread box in memory of Mrs Gigney, a plated flagon in memory of Mr Reg Manning and a four piece set for use with the sick, in memory of Mrs Gwen Palmby.
Our Church Plate is a very valuable collection of English silver work and is stored securely and fully insured. We usually display the silver during our Gift Weekend but any member of the church is welcome to view it at any time in the year.