All Saints' Church Walsoken

Tel: 07414 528194
Email the Church


Bell Ringing



Walsoken, Wisbech, Ringing Teaching Hub

The Walsoken bells are a ring of 6, cast by Thomas Osborn of Downham Market in 1795.

The tenor weight is 13 cwt, 2qtrs, and 7lbs (771Kg). The bells were originally hung in a timber frame level with the tower louvres and were rung from the floor below.  The first peal on the bells was not rung until 1923 and the footnote to the second peal reads 'Great credit is due to all the band for ringing such a well-struck peal, as the bells are in bad condition'.  In 1956 the bells were re-hung by Messrs Mears and Stainbank of London; the canons were cast and the crown staples were removed and the bells were quarter-turned and hung on ball bearings in an eight bell steel frame in the original ringing room. For the next 30 years the bells were rung from the ground floor.  In the mid 1980s a balcony was constructed above the ground floor from where the bells are now rung.  There have been 20 peals on the bells, the first being commemorated by a peal board in the ringing room, and the latest in 2001.  The bells were not rung regularly from the mid 1970s until 1998 when a new local band was recruited.  In mid 2016 Bob Cox was installed as Tower Captain.

Contact Details

Tower Captain: Bob Cox
Email: LINK
Mobile Phone: 07485 515284

Routine Practice Night is Friday at 7pm


Learning to Ring

Have you ever thought that you might like to learn to ring church bells?  Perhaps you used to ring and would like to take it up again?  If so, then this is your opportunity!  The Walsoken Ringers are looking for new bell ringers!  If you want to start from scratch or you have rung in the past we’d love you to consider ringing with us. We intend to create an open friendly and supportive environment where you can learn to ring at your own pace.

Our new learners' sessions are on Sunday afternoones/evenings 2pm until 7pm (by appointment) but if demand is high sometimes Wednesday evening as well.  At this session you can learn pretty much at your own learning rate.  These sessions are targetted at Level 1 ringing using the ART "Learning the Ropes" syllabus.  Passing level 1 means that you are a bellringer!

Normal Practice is Friday between 7:00pm and 8:30pm (visitors please check first). At present we practise rounds & call changes, plain hunt, doubles/minor  methods.  We do ring some slightly more adventurous methods too so there should be something for everyone! Please  do join us.

There is ringing for service on Sundays from 10:00am - 10.25am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month (please check first).

For more information Email: LINK

Links to Relevant Pages

Walsoken's Ely Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers Details

The Dove Directory

All Saints' Church Bells Photo Gallery

Learning to Ring

Bell Ringing Teachers near you

The Local Bellringers Website



If you are a bell ringer and are interested in Walsoken or Wisbech District bellringing then please be our friend on Facebook - Click on the logo below.

Peal Details






20 07-Jul-01 Minor (3m) 2h48 P J Waterfield
19 06-Nov-99 Minor (8 methods) 2h36 J W Spiller
18 26-May-87 Walsoken S Minor 2h59 K M Price
17 18-Apr-85 Minor (7 methods) 2h57 K M Price
16 14-Apr-79 Minor (7 methods) 2h48 R W Spencer
15 16-Oct-76 S Minor (7 methods) 2h49 A M Barber
14 27-Dec-70 Plain Bob Minor 2h50 E H Mastin
13 17-Apr-65 Plain Bob Minor 2h40 G E Thoday
12 04-Nov-64 Minor (4 methods) 2h48 N V Harding
11 26-Apr-61 Minor (7 methods) 2h41 E H Mastin
10 26-Oct-60 Minor (4 methods) 2h47 N V Harding
9 02-Jul-60 Plain Bob Minor 2h57 T A Bevis
8 18-Jul-59 Plain Bob Minor 2h45 N V Harding
7 04-Apr-59 Minor (4 methods) 2h51 T A Bevis
6 17-Jan-59 Minor (7 methods) 2h47 Tony Price
5 09-Aug-58 Plain Bob Minor 2h53 N V Harding
4 04-Sep-57 Plain Bob Minor 2h46 N V Harding
3 02-Feb-57 Minor (4 methods) 2h47 F C Wigmore
2 12-May-29 Plain Bob Minor 3h07 F C Wigmore
1 02-May-23 Plain Bob Minor 2h57 Tony Price

More Information about the Bells at All Saints' Church

All Saints has a fine peal of six bells made by Thomas Osborn in Downham Market in 1795. Originally the bells were hung in a frame adjacent to the louvres in the tower. The bells were restored and re-hung in 1901 by the children of Richard Young M.P. for North Cambridgeshire and further work was undertaken in 1956 when the bells were re-hung in a lower position in the tower in an eight bell metal frame. This was to allow for the future provision of two additional bells which has not to date been achieved.  The bells used to be rung from the ground floor at the base of the tower but in the 1980’s a new ringing chamber was installed above a new kitchen and toilet..  All Saints bells have a mellow tone with the heaviest bell (the tenor) weighing just over 13 cwt and are rung regularly for Sunday Services and weddings.

Learning Ringing in and around the Wisbech Area

Dove information

Bell information taken from an undated church guide that was priced at one shilling

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